Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lady Paula Merry on Gentrification, Haiti disaster relief.

Just when I though she may have disappeared, Lady Paula Merry strikes again. So gather around everyone and learn all about the dangers of all-white police forces, how the FBI is restricting your rights and Haiti's future as a island trailer park paradise. What's enlightening about these rants, beyond the generalized insanity and paranoia, is how rooted they remain in the events of the day. This is clearly someone who pays attention to the media in one form or another and as a result is in a position to be influenced by the media.


  1. I found several of Lady Paula Merry's pamphlets when I lived in Seattle in 2007 and 2008. I scanned all of them and you can see them on my myspace (yes, I know) page, here:

  2. My favorite Lady Paula Merry flyer is the one where she says "I will have regular frog position sex called lap dancing with my caregiver". Found in photo album at link in comment #1 above (or below depending on how this formats).
